Think globally, act locally. | Karmina

Think globally, act locally.

The best way to connect to people around you is to think local. I know many people in my surrounding that struggle with the same problems as me. Starting a new business is a huge step and moving forward takes its time and energy. As the launch is coming soon I realised that the universe offers me growth opportunities but I didn’t pay enough attention to see them. I made a list of people that I would like to work with and simply called them and they were thrilled to help and cooperate.

Last wednesday I arranged fotoshooting in Štanjel with lovely friend Asja Skok and  local bag designer Gaja Hanzel. As my brand is all about making women feel good I immediately recognised that Asja is the perfect match. She glows natural beauty and happiness with sensitivity. Gaja’s bags  Fi by Gaja have a clean look with special attention to details and are a great combo to Karmina’s simple look.

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